Cowhorse Classic — ProAm Vaquero Roping

Cowhorse Classic


The 3nd Annual Cowhorse Classic at the 2023 ProAm Roping in Corning, California will be an opportunity for horseman to demonstrate their skills as horsemen as well as stock handling. The contestants will be required to do a simple reining pattern, box their cow, go down the fence, and rope and stop their cow. Pattern will be posted on website soon.

The Stock Horse Classic will take place during the event on Thursday in the outdoor arena.

Snaffle Bit Class - 2-4 year olds

Hackamore Class - 2--6 year olds

Bridle Class - any age

NEW Class! - Youth Stock Horse - Horse cannot be shown in any other class besides youth.


  1. Snaffle Bits must be smooth eggbutt mouthpiece

  2. No gimmick equipment such as cavasons

  3. Hackamores must be rawhide or latigo

  4. Bridle must be a traditional mouthpiece

  5. Rider must be in western attire

You can enter on Multiple horses in Each class

Cowhorse Classic Entry
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